Monday, July 28, 2014

The Great Fishing Adventure

We spent the weekend enjoying the great outdoors in beautiful Colorado.
You probably are thinking what is so different about that?
Well this weekend we went west toward the mountains, instead of east towards the dirt track.
(I think Case was channeling Spiderman in this picture!)
We started out Saturday heading to Grandma Cheryl's and Papa J's for a weekend of fun.
This was the first time the boys went fishing and lets say that was an adventure.
Step one: teach them to cast.
Case's fishing pole came with a practice weight also known as his yittle yeyyow fish (little yellow fish).  This was more of an adventure then we expected!
After catching a few trees (and neighbors) at Grandma's house they were casting pros. So we were ready for the lake.
Step two: keep them from falling into the lake.
The boys where so excited to fish we thought they where going to jump in and catch them with their bare hands.  

Unfortunately we didn't catch any fish but we also didn't have to fish any boys out of the lake thankfully.
We had a great time fishing, hiking, throwing rocks in the river, and just enjoying our beautiful state. I am so proud to be the mom to these great kids and I love seeing the world through their eyes.
Sometime as adults we need to remember to bring our kid glasses and remember the feeling of adventure. It didn't cost us a thing and we didn't need wifi but we did see some gorgeous views of nature and enjoyed the fresh air.
We had a great weekend, we are recharged and ready for the weekend of racing ahead of us.

Monday, July 21, 2014

The Fastest Three Years

This past weekend we took time from our busy racing schedule to celebrate the past three years.
The past three years we have watched as our baby turned into a rambunctious little boy.
Case James Lucero
There is so much wrapped up in this little man.
He is his brothers best friend, his mamas cuddle bug and his daddy's shadow.
(I forgot to mention he has an ornery streak a mile long!) 
I had a very hard time getting pregnant the second time around. I was almost ready to give up when we were blessed with this amazing baby boy. This blue eyed, blond haired sweet pea was the missing piece of our family and showed up at the perfect time, Gods time.
I know He took His time molding the miracle that is this little life.
He is caring, energetic, smart, funny, and fearless. We have watched him learn to walk and talk. We have been through teething and getting ear tubes put in. We have survived falls down the stairs and coloring on the furniture. We have cuddled him to sleep and tickled his toes.
Its hard to believe its only been three short years, but it has been his three years.
I can't imagine life with out him and I can't wait to see what his future holds.
Case James I know you have a lot of life to live and hope you live it to the fullest. Chase your dreams and keep your head held high for you are truly a gift from God!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Beauty in the Dirt

There is so many emotions and work that goes into this crazy racing life we live. There is website pictures and videos to be taken, helping Luke get in the car before he is pushed on to the track, and keeping an eye on your children as these powerful machines drive by with very little wiggle room.
That's just my role at the track, and its overwhelming at times. There is also a whole other world there of work and stress but lets be honest I am not going to be trusted with any tools or parts.
This past weekend we were in Kansas for three nights of child free racing. It was my chance to try to relax (if you can even really do that at a race track).  The boys were busy wearing out the grandparents and I got to experience a side of our racing life that left me wondering what else I had been missing.
The Beauty in the sky!
I decided to look back through all my pictures and see if I could find more beauty in all the dirt.
The Beauty of imagination!
The Beauty of team work!
The Beauty in brotherhood!
I think this week I have added a new job to my resume as racing wife, Beauty seeker!
We all need to take a few moments away from being busy and just look around and seek beauty, its always there waiting quietly to be found.
This racing life is busy and crazy but its in seeking Gods beauty around us that we learn to enjoy it!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Meeting a Legend

We all have that list of dreams and goals that will leave a mark on our life. I know that for my hubby Luke there have been a few moments like these. The day he met me of course is at the top (lol) also the days we welcomed our two boys into our family. But this wonderful man has worked his fingers to the bone to provide for us while I stay home with the boys. It hasn't been easy and I know it takes a lot out of him, but the one thing I can say to you is he has never given up.
He has always had a dream to race, it is in his blood. The past four years he has been working, going to school, and building a sprint car, all the while being a great husband and father. Last year marked another one of his moment, he completed his first season in his sprint car and took tenth in points.
I could stop there but we recently watched as another moment was playing out in his life.
This particular moment was very exciting for our family for one reason alone. This was a generational moment for all the Lucero men. Racing is a passion for the Lucero men, they love everything about it. This particular moment was the Steve Kinser Farwell Tour and my husband had the honor of meeting a legend and driving in this race.
 About seven years ago I had no idea who Steve Kinser was or even what a sprint car was. So for those of you who are lost like  I once was I will introduce you.  
Reader this is Steve Kinser (in the black shirt, the handsome man in red is my hubby Luke). Steve Kinser these are the blog readers.
Luke has been a fan of this man and sport for his whole life. As his wife it was amazing to watch him visit with this legend while they stood next to the car he has poured himself into. I was watching one of his life moments, normally I have been right in the middle them with him. This different perspective was eye opening to me. Not only am I so thankful for Luke and all he does for us, I now thank him for being my teacher.
That evening I learned that you only get to these bucket list moments through working hard and pushing past the opinions of others that say you can't. Keep pushing for your dreams because its in these moments that you see a life being lived to its fullest.
The racing that weekend was not the best but the memories of dreams come true will never be lost.
Oh and just so you know Luke made sure that Steve was given the ultimate fan treatment, he sent him away with an autographed hero card and a blow pop.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Packing, Painting, and Playing

We had last weekend off of racing and what do the Lucero's do to relax...
We get ready for another weekend of racing!!
We had the usual laundry, cleaning and grocery shopping to do, but we also decided it was time for some fun!
We love to go for walks during the summer. A few weeks ago this simple daily walk turned into a big deal for Case James... He now has his very own blue Scooter! So our calm walks have now turned into a crazy scooter racing adventure! He is very determined if you can't tell!!
Our fun filled Holiday weekend at the races also needed a little something special. So we decided we needed to make some 4th of July shirts. So we headed to one of my favorite stores Hobby Lobby!!

We found this idea on Pinterest and it was a total hit with the boys! I can't wait to see them wear these for the 4th!!
I love this crazy racing life we live but its these moments that make this life wonderful. Watching your children enjoy summer and childhood is the greatest blessing I have ever received. While I was getting crazy about my to do list for our weekend away I almost forgot to just enjoy the present.
So off I go to switch the laundry and finish packing for the weekend and I promise to remember to just enjoy my life no matter what path the Lord takes us on.