Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Racers Wife Resume: I am a Cheerleader

When I met Luke I knew from day one that racing was in his blood.
 He loves everything to do with it, we watch it on TV, he reads about it online, it is the topic of conversations at many of our family dinners. The day we decided that we where going to pursue his dream changed our future and I will be honest with you I never thought I would be the one that actually changed and grew from it.
My dream was to be a wife and a mommy. Plain and simple right!
Well the difference is that I never knew that the roles I would take a wife and mom would include all these aspects. Becoming a racers wife has expanded my resume as a stay home mom more then I could have ever dreamed or imagined. For instance ....
Now if you know me this should make you laugh. I am cheerful that is true but coordinated and able to dance ..... that's another story!
I have learned as a racers wife that the definition of cheerleader is so much more then that.
If you follow our page you know that this past weekend Luke had an amazing race. He lead most of the race and finished in second place!!
What might surprise you is that I was not there!!!
I missed it!!!  I was at home with our boys having a quiet weekend and relaxing, or trying to relax.
I was doing great until this one picture changed my entire night ....
If you need a little help understanding this cryptic message from my husband. This is a line up for the race of the night. Luke is number 7s, this picture says Luke you are on the pole starting at the front!!!
I went in to a panic... I was about to miss my chance to be at this race with my husband starting in the front!! I was timing how long is the drive to the track? Thinking to myself is it appropriate to wear pok-a-dot pjs to a race?  I hope the boys won't be mad if I wake them up!!
Then I realized that this is a new definition to me as a cheerleader. I wasn't there.
 I was sad, nervous and even jealous of all the other wives that where there. But I had to put that behind me and reply to his message with as much support as I could.
I spent the rest of the night on pins and needles. I even watched The Kardasians for a little mind numbing distraction. I prayed, I read a book, I even paced the floor.
I just knew that no matter what I had to stay ready to answer when he called back and be so happy for him if he won his very first race with out me.
It was not easy and it was not relaxing, but that night I learned so much. 
 I can say to you no matter what happens, good or bad, I will be the biggest fan of Lucero Racing and my boys no matter where I am. I also have decided that rain or shine I will never stay home to relax on a race night ever again!!!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Life in the Fast Lane

   Its summer time... the sun is shining, school is out and I am so blessed to get to spend the long summer days at home with my two rambunctious boys. We have so far enjoyed a great day at the reservoir playing in the water and sand with our cousins. Been to a car show strolling through the shiny old cars enjoying a refreshing snow cone. Summers are the best for slowing down and enjoying the beautiful state of Colorado.

I forgot to mention the biggest adventure during summer.... we have a race car!!!
It is very interesting being a racers wife. I have learned a whole new vocabulary and continue to learn new things every day. Like the difference between a new bumper and a new rear end is a whole lot of money and work, so stop confusing the two!!
But I think the biggest thing I am learning in my new role is how to trust God in the ups and downs this sport and life hands us. Learn to savor the moments, good and bad.
My one and only goal right now for this journal is to slow down in the fast lane we call Lucero Racing.
I want to be able to look back and see the sleeping toddler at the race track and the boys digging in the sand at the beach. I hope that this is some sort of a time capsule for us to be able to show our grand kids that we were not always old and crazy, we were once young and crazy!
So stick around and hold on tight you never know what might happen next!